Sunday, March 2, 2008

Squandering Time

It occurred to me the other morning that very often, I squander time. I spend weekends or weekday evenings just frittering away what is our most precious resource, and the ONLY resource which cannot in any way be recaptured or regained. Oh sure, I tell myself that puttering and mindless activities are relaxing and rejuvenating and that I shouldn't always drive myself at a frantic pace. But there are still so many ways to relax - REALLY relax - in a more luxurious way than just letting hours evaporate while running tiny little errands without regard to planning them. If I truly let it sink in what a precious commodity my irreplaceable minutes are, I would honor them by spending a few minutes to strategize even my errands. Like wait until a workday to pick things up at the nearby library rather than take the subway down and back on a Sunday.

How many more incredible things could I get done, like writing that book I've always thought about, or learning that language, or writing to a dear friend? How I could have time to get rid of those nagging little chores that gnawrelentlessly at my mind and which I've been putting off? I could end up with more time to spread the word on my gorillas and monkeys. I could work on my website or my paintings, or prepare some delicious, nutritious meals for the week and celebrate the act of cooking. Intentional time. Deliberate, conscious expenditure of time and energy. And in the process very likely conserving energy and natural resources as a by-product.