I'm headed back to Cameroon, to CWAF, and leaving New York City. I love New York, especially the energy and pace. But it wasn't until I went to the remote jungles of Africa and slowed down my pace....tremendously...that I discovered I can paint, and how rhythmic I am with nature. It has suddenly occurred to me that my life's been like a top, or wheels, spinning at a fast pace, one sees a general outline. But when the top or the wheel slows down or stops, one can observe the intricate shapes and patterns, colors and textures, of the object. It also makes me think of the film, "Awakenings." Oliver Sacks, played by Robin Williams, is a neurologist who discovers that a medicine generally used to "slow down" the rapid shaking movements of Parkinson's disease, in another type of patient - catatonic - it acts the opposite, to "wake them up."
I have to go back to Cameroon to see what else there might be inside me awaiting the appropriate moment to make its entrance.